Is Low Progesterone Affecting Your Health? Here's How To Tell

Have you ever felt like something was off with your body? Maybe you’ve had trouble sleeping, your period is irregular, or you’re not ovulating. Maybe you’re experiencing mood swings or feel like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done.

You could have low progesterone levels if any of those things sound familiar. Progesterone is a hormone that is crucial in regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing the uterus for pregnancy. But many women don’t realize they have low progesterone levels, which can cause various health issues.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what low progesterone means, how it affects reproductive health and overall well-being, and how to tell if it affects your health. We’ll also explore some natural ways to increase progesterone levels and how hormone replacement therapy can help if necessary. So read on if you are experiencing symptoms such as irregular periods, infertility, mood swings, or sleep disturbances!

Understanding Progesterone and Its Role in the Body

Progesterone is a hormone produced in both men and women, but it’s especially important for women. It helps to prepare the uterus for pregnancy, keep it that way throughout the gestation period, and regulate your menstrual cycle.

It also promotes healthy bone density, supports your immune system, and has a calming effect on the nervous system, which can help you to sleep better at night. Progesterone is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being; low levels can lead to various health issues.

Progesterone is a hormone that plays several important roles in your body, including:

  1. Reproductive Health: Progesterone is essential for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. It prepares the uterus for pregnancy by thickening the lining and supporting the placenta’s development during gestation.
  2. Menstrual Cycle Regulation: Progesterone helps regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing the effects of estrogen, which can help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids.
  3. Bone Health: Progesterone promotes healthy bone density and can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  4. Immune System Support: Progesterone has been shown to have immune-enhancing properties and can help support the body’s immune system.
  5. Nervous System: Progesterone has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help alleviate anxiety symptoms and improve sleep quality.
  6. Skin Health: Progesterone plays a role in maintaining healthy skin by promoting collagen production and reducing inflammation.

While it may not be the most exciting hormone, progesterone is essential for women. It plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and well-being and can help to prevent or relieve many of the symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause.

Common Symptoms of Low Progesterone

Your body may be experiencing an imbalance in progesterone and estrogen levels. Low progesterone levels can cause a range of symptoms that may indicate an imbalance in the body. Some of the most common symptoms of low progesterone include:Is Low Progesterone affecting your health

  1. Irregular periods: Low progesterone levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycles, including missed periods or unusually heavy or light periods.
  2. Infertility: Progesterone is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Low progesterone levels can make it difficult to conceive or maintain a pregnancy.
  3. Mood swings: Progesterone has a calming effect on the nervous system, and low levels can lead to anxiety, irritability, and mood swings.
  4. Sleep disturbances: Progesterone helps promote restful sleep, and low levels can lead to difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  5. Hot flashes: Low progesterone levels can cause hot flashes, which are sudden feelings of heat that can cause sweating and discomfort.
  6. Breast tenderness: Progesterone helps prepare the breasts for milk production, and low levels can cause breast tenderness or swelling.
  7. Headaches: Low progesterone levels can cause headaches or migraines, especially around menstruation.


The Causes of Low Progesterone

Several factors can contribute to low progesterone levels, such as stress, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, poor nutrition, thyroid disorders, and perimenopause or menopause.

For example, chronic stress can disrupt hormone balance by increasing cortisol production, leading to low progesterone levels. Hormonal imbalances, such as those associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), can also affect progesterone levels.

During menopause, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes, including a decrease in estrogen and progesterone production. This decrease in progesterone production can lead to a range of menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

How to Test for Low Progesterone

If you suspect low progesterone levels, your healthcare provider can conduct tests to confirm the diagnosis. Several tests can be done to measure progesterone levels, including blood and saliva tests.

Blood tests

Are a common method for measuring progesterone levels. This test involves drawing blood from a vein, typically in the arm, and measuring the progesterone levels in the blood. Blood tests can accurately measure the amount of progesterone in the body at a specific time.

Saliva tests

Are another option for measuring progesterone levels. This test involves collecting a saliva sample and measuring the progesterone levels in the saliva. Saliva tests are non-invasive and can be done at home with a test kit.

In addition to measuring progesterone levels, your healthcare provider may also conduct other tests to identify the underlying cause of low progesterone levels. This may include tests to measure other hormones or evaluate thyroid function.

It’s important to note that progesterone levels can fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle. Testing may need to be done at specific times to get an accurate reading. Your healthcare provider can help determine the appropriate timing for testing based on your menstrual cycle and symptoms.

Natural Ways to Boost Progesterone

If you have low progesterone levels, you are not alone. It’s estimated that up to half of all women have some form of hormone imbalance, but the good news is that there are many natural ways to help support hormone balance and increase progesterone levels.

Here are five ways to boost your progesterone levels naturally:

  1. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc, can help support hormone production and balance. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can provide the nutrients your body needs to produce hormones.
  2. Manage stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the body’s balance of hormones, leading to low progesterone levels. Finding ways to manage stress, such as practicing yoga or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress levels and support hormone balance.
  3. Get enough sleep: Sleeping properly each night is essential for hormone production and balance! Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and establish a regular sleep routine to support healthy hormone levels.
  4. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help support hormone balance and reduce stress levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  5. Use natural supplements: Certain natural supplements, such as vitamin B6, magnesium, and chaste berry, may help support progesterone production and balance. In addition, there are also specific menopause supplements that can be helpful with low progesterone during this transition. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements to ensure they are safe and effective.
  6. Avoid endocrine disruptors: Endocrine disruptors are chemicals in many household and personal care products that can disrupt hormone balance. Avoiding products with these chemicals, such as phthalates and parabens, can help support hormone balance.

Medical Treatments for Low Progesterone

If you’re experiencing symptoms of low progesterone, several medical treatments are available for your condition. Depending on the underlying cause and severity of your condition, your healthcare provider may recommend one or more of the following options:

  1. Progesterone supplementation: Your healthcare provider may prescribe progesterone supplements if you have low progesterone levels due to a luteal phase defect or other hormonal imbalance. These supplements can be taken orally, vaginally, or through injection and can help raise progesterone levels and support healthy hormone balance.
  2. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): If you are postmenopausal or have had your ovaries removed, your healthcare provider may recommend HRT. This treatment involves a combination of estrogen and progesterone to help regulate hormone levels and reduce symptoms of low estrogen and progesterone.
  3. Fertility treatments: If you are trying to conceive and have low progesterone levels, your healthcare provider may recommend fertility treatments that involve stimulating ovulation and supplementing with progesterone to support a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Medications to treat underlying conditions: If your low progesterone levels are due to an underlying condition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid dysfunction, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to help manage the condition and improve hormone balance.

The Importance of Talking to Your Doctor

If you’re experiencing symptoms of low progesterone, it’s important to speak with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. Self-diagnosing and self-treating with natural remedies or supplements can be risky and may not address the root cause of the issue. Some natural remedies or supplements may interact with medications or have unintended side effects.

Your doctor can perform tests to diagnose low progesterone and work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan based on your unique needs and medical history. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of various treatment options, such as progesterone supplementation or hormone replacement therapy, to make an informed decision about your health.

Low progesterone levels can significantly impact your overall health and quality of life! Be bold, speak with your healthcare provider about concerns, and explore all available treatment options to ensure optimal health and well-being.

How Can CBD Help With Low Progesterone?

CBD can help to regulate hormones, reduce stress and enhance mood. It’s important to note that these are just some of the ways that CBD can help with low progesterone levels.

CBD is a compound found in cannabis plants like hemp or marijuana. It doesn’t have any psychoactive effects but does have many health benefits such as reducing inflammation, aiding sleep and helping with anxiety disorders

The Benefits of CBD for Low Progesterone

CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, which means that it can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is often associated with low progesterone levels, so this can be a big benefit of CBD for those who suffer from these issues. CBD also promotes better sleep and digestion. This can help to balance out hormones as well as generally improve your mood throughout the month!

CBD Dosage for Low Progesterone

If you’re looking to use CBD oil to help with low progesterone, it’s important to start slow and monitor the effects. If you have never taken CBD before, start with a small dose (5-10 mg) and see how your body reacts. If there are no adverse reactions after several days of taking this amount, then try increasing the dosage by 5 mg increments until you reach a level that feels comfortable for you.

If your symptoms persist even when taking high doses of CBD oil, consult with your doctor about other treatment options such as hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills that contain estrogen compounds which may help balance out the effects of progesterone deficiency on the body.


In conclusion, low progesterone can have a significant impact on a woman’s health and overall well-being. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms and seek medical advice if necessary. Fortunately, there are natural supplements available that can provide relief and support for women struggling with low progesterone levels. 

Nutrivive offers CBD as a natural supplement that can help restore hormonal balance and promote a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating CBD into your daily routine, you may be able to alleviate symptoms and improve your overall health and well-being.